Property details

Virgin Forest - South Chile

Land Sale

Price: USD $6,400,000.00


Chile South America

GPS coordinates: -41.049639 / -73.701028

The premise is located 28 Km west of the town of Fresia in the X Region (Region de los Lagos), Chile, embarking the eastern slopes of the coastal mountain range (Cordillera de la Costa), formed along the Pacific Ocean.

This is a Tax Free Property

General Demarcations, outside the property

North: Alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides) is a National Park Forest

South: Locality of La Esperanza

East: Hueyusca River

West: Inner Coastal Mountain Range (along the Pacific Ocean)


North East Corner: -41.005333 -73.648611 (41°00'19.2"S 73°38'55.0"W)

North West Corner: -40.993109 -73.704681 (40°59'35.2"S 73°42'16.9"W)

South West Corner: -41.061094 -73.736563 (41°03'39.9"S 73°44'11.6"W)

South East Corner: -41.065343 -73.720057 (41°03'55.2"S 73°43'12.2"W)

Access Routes

Driving west of the Highway Ruta 5 between the town of Puerto Varas and Frutillar (west shore of Lake Llanquihue) you can reach Fresia after 35 Km on a paved road in approx. 30 minutes. Continuing westward another 28 Km the gravel road is signalled pointing to the area of El Repil, next to the Hueyusca River. Location of this property is clearly visible reflecting the beginning eastern slopes of the coastal mountain range named Cordillera de la Costa, situated along the Pacific Ocean.

The roads in this area are state roads maintained all year, catering for the transport of eucalyptus trees harvested by the official Forestry Enterprises in the region.


Intermediate terrain and rolling topography with slopes ranging broken into 10% to 40%.


The main watercourse is the Hueyusca river, which tailor’s half of the eastern border of the property. This river is attractive for fishing a variety of species.

Running through the property are several streams such as the El Repil river, attractive for fishing excursions or for hydro power generation to cover any commercial requirements in the forest property. Interior lagoons are scattered within the forest with pristine untouched waters.


West Coast, which is characterized by high annual rainfall, with a Mediterranean type influence. The average annual temperature is 12 ° C; winter minima reach 2 to 4 °C in July and August, while in summer the highest reach 26 to 28°C between January and February.


From 300 meters above sea level in the low and flat, and up to 600 meters at its tallest.

Productive Characteristics of Surrounding Region

Mainly fishing, farming, logging and honey. In tourism terms, the Llanquihue region is one of the most visited regions of the country by foreign tourists from North America, Europe and Oceania. Attractive are features for sport fishing practice in estuaries and rivers, sailing and water sports, canopy, rafting, trekking, mountaineering, rock climbing, and hiking of all kinds. At 125 Km from the premise are located the Osorno and Calbuco volcanoes where skiing and snowboarding as well as guided horseback riding tours are practiced.

Vegetation Characteristics

The entire property is forest of the Valdivian type and provides excellent woods such as:

Arrayan (Luma apiculata)

Avellano (Gevuina avellana)

Canelo (Drimys confertifolia)

Coihue (Nothofagus dombeyi)

Fuinque (Lomatia ferruginea)

Lingue in large numbers (Persea lingue)

Lenga (Nothofagus pumilio)

Luma, very hard wood, (Amomyrtus luma)

Meli (Amomyrtus meli)

Patagua (Crinodendron patagua)

Pitra (Myrceugenia exsucca)

Olivillo (Aextoxicon punctatum)

Sauco (Sambucus nigra)

Tepa (Laureliopsis philippiana)

Tiaca (Caldcluvia paniculata)

Tineo (Weinmania trichosperma)

Ulmo (Eucryphia cordifolia)

Lots of Maqui, famous antioxidant berry other species, also documented in an officially approved and valid Forest Management Plan.

Characteristics Summary:

Category: Forest Land

Location: El Repil, X Region, Los Lagos, Chile

For Sale: By Owner (Helmuth Uebel)

Land Area: 2856 Hectares or 7057 Acres

Comment: Purchase of Land in Chile is straight forward; transaction is handled within two to 4 weeks’ time. Ample support for sale procedure is given by seller/owner.

Foreign Nationals are welcome in Chile. No TAX has to be paid for this property.

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